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Trouble in Miami [Trouble, Tennessee 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Read online

Page 3

“For what?” He folded his soiled handkerchief and stuck it in his jacket pocket.

  The McCall brothers kept their attention on them, apparently awaiting Markie’s signal. He quickly motioned for them to go through the gate. The attendants, however, wouldn’t let Allister board. They evidently needed the final word from the bleeding traveler.

  “You should probably talk to the airline’s personnel.”

  “I’ll need a word with Mr. McCall first.”

  “Um…” Markie peered over at a furious Allister and whimpered. “Oh boy.”

  “Is there a problem?”

  “Why don’t I um…” Markie fumbled with the right words. “I’ll work it out between you and Allister. What’d you say?”

  “Very well then.” He reluctantly offered his hand. “Mr….”

  “Just call me Markie.” He took the fellow’s hand and shook vigorously. “And think of me as a friend.” He gave Allister a sideways glance and then added lightly, “God knows you could use one.”

  “I beg your pardon?”

  “I said, God knows it’s a pretty day for flying,” Markie said, lying. The clouds were dark and there was enough wind to promise turbulent skies, but it was nothing compared to the unrest there inside the terminal.

  “Tell Mr. McCall all is forgotten. Still, I’ll keep my seat next to his friend for the first leg of our trip.”

  “That’s probably not the best idea anyone has spoken aloud today,” Markie told him, processing what he’d said and the arrogance in which he’d said it. Had Ellie talked to this guy? Did he know they were headed to Miami and was he going there as well?

  “McCall can accept what he can’t change or he can change his plans and reschedule his flight. Wonder how the little lady would feel about that?”

  “She wouldn’t be overjoyed.” Markie stopped talking. “Wait right here. I’ll handle it.”

  He trotted off in Allister’s direction, debating on the best way to broach the subject of Ellie’s seating assignment. Thanks to Mac, he didn’t have to worry about it.

  “Let me guess. He isn’t pressing charges as long as Allister lets him sit next to Ellie?”

  “Spot on.” Markie flipped his ticket around. “On a positive note, I have the seat across from them.”

  “And I’m right behind them,” Mac said, glaring at the stranger and gripping Allister’s shoulder.

  “He can press charges,” Allister said stubbornly.

  Mac’s face turned red. He’d obviously had enough of this nonsense. “Let’s all travel together. For once think of Ellie.”

  Allister snarled. “When don’t I think of Ellie?”

  “The trip is important to her, hon.” Markie played devil’s advocate. “Everyone is here now and most of ’em are already on the plane. You can stay behind, and chances are this dude will press charges. You’ll go to jail. Make bail. And maybe tomorrow or the next day you can join us.” Deciding to add a touch of theatrics, he quickly added, “That is if you’re even permitted to leave the state. Assault charges are nothing to balk about.”

  “Ellie’s not getting off that plane. You know how stubborn she is,” Mac pointed out. “And chances are, this fella can have you hauled out of here and he’ll still board without so much as delaying the flight.”

  “He’s right, baby boy,” Markie said, nodding rapidly in agreement.

  Allister snarled. “I swear, if he so much as lays a hand on her, I’ll—”

  “You’ll let us handle it,” Mac told him in a firm voice. “Now come on, bro. Let’s start this vacation. It’s party time.”

  The stranger saluted Allister with one finger, a mocking and quite rude gesture. “No worries, Mr. McCall. It was an accident.”

  As Allister walked ahead of them, Mac and Markie looked back at Mr. Jones. He had a peculiar blank look on his face. The only way to describe the man then was downright suspicious. All play had immediately left his expression. The charade was over.

  It was then when Markie realized—the man possessed two faces and many plans. Markie had a terrible feeling they’d soon find out all about them.

  Chapter Two

  They quickly gained altitude and the pilot’s voice filled the aircraft. “Looks like it’s about sixty-eight degrees on the ground in Atlanta. We should be pulling up to our gate in about seventy minutes. Thank you for flying with us today. Sit back and enjoy your flight.”

  It would be a cold day in hell before Allister remained in his seat. He’d warned Mr. Seth Jones before he ever made a scene at the gate.

  He’d told him plain and simple. Ellie had her hands full. Son of a bitch had actually told Allister she could easily handle one more.

  Fuck that. He shifted in his seat, growing more impatient by the moment.

  “We were over here making bets,” Curt told him, leaning in the center aisle but keeping his hand on Heather’s knee. “Lavatory is empty, ya know.”

  Allister snarled. “And Draegan is seated right next to it.”

  “You guys act like you’ve never been laid before,” Heather said, shaking her head.

  If Heather hadn’t been Bradley’s little sister, he might have made some off-color remark. He hadn’t fucked Ellie in the last two days which was part of the problem.

  His testosterone was all out of whack.

  “At least wait until we’re on the 747,” Gabe said, pulling down the shade as soon as a bright ray of sunlight shot across their row.

  Allister turned sideways. “I seem to remember a man holding up an entire investigation because he couldn’t wait an hour to fuck his woman. Sound familiar?”

  Gabe leaned forward and shot Heather a wink. “Sure does.” He settled in again, clasped his hands over his stomach and closed his eyes. “Do me a favor and hurry. I might need to show Heather the facilities when you’re done.”

  “I may be a while,” Allister said smugly, leaving his assigned seat.

  Seconds later, he stood next to Ellie’s row. He motioned for her with a simple crook of a finger.

  “Mr. McCall.”

  “Mr. Jones.” Allister didn’t look at the sorry son of a bitch.

  Ellie stared up at him as if she were ready to give him an earful. Then, she flipped her seatbelt out of the way and quickly rose. “Excuse me.”

  Instead of moving out of the way like a gentleman might, the asshole placed his hand on the curve of her waist and gave her a gentle push.

  Every muscle in Allister’s body went rigid. He snarled at the man who had the audacity to touch what didn’t belong to him.

  “Allister.” Ellie placed her hands on his chest. “Enough of this.”

  He didn’t try to hide his forthcoming intentions. As soon as Ellie stepped in front of him, he placed a possessive hand on the small of her back, guiding her forward. With the rickety racket behind them, he turned then to acknowledge the flight attendant pushing her service cart down the center of the plane.

  Allister said, “She’s not feeling well.”

  “Oh,” the attendant mouthed, clearly amused.

  A second later, Allister smirked at Draegan—who was seated in the aisle across from the lavatory—and then entered the small restroom. He immediately closed and locked the door.

  “Are you out of your mind?” Ellie pursed her lips and crossed her arms. She glanced around the confined space.

  “Go ahead. Stare at me like you could kick my ass.” He was getting his ass kicked all right. He was as hard as a cannon, but he wasn’t a loose one. Oh no, he had direction, purpose, and one hell of an aim.

  He picked Ellie up and set her on the small vanity. She stared back at him with this bewildered expression, this knowing look. Her blushed cheeks turned him on. Her moist lips and hooded eyes cranked his cock right up.

  “Damn.” He blew out a heavy breath and ran his hands up her slender bare thighs, pushing her skirt out of his way. Another moment and he was standing between her parted legs. “You always make me so fucking crazy.”

  “Allister,” s
he said evenly, tilting his chin to hers, but unable to hold his attention. He was too interested in sliding in between those soft thighs, thrusting inside her warm wet pussy. “Look. At. Me.”

  “I’m not apologizing.” He would live to regret it later if he didn’t but she’d get over it. They were fucking before they left that lavatory and he refused to discuss the troublemaking asshole until after the act.

  She pouted. “You can either apologize or change your goals, Allister. You had no reason to elbow a stranger in the mouth.”

  “He’ll be less likely to use it to offend someone in the future.”

  “Who did he offend?”

  “Don’t raise your voice,” he said coolly.

  “I want to know.” She waited. When he didn’t respond, she shook her head in immediate understanding. “Oh that’s right. How silly of me. But of course…he offended you.”

  “Damn right he did.” He cupped the side of her face, drawing her in for a kiss.

  “Not so fast.” Her hands landed on his stomach. “Did you ever stop to think he might have been giving you a compliment?”

  “No, Ellie. Given the way he gawked at you, the way he undressed you with his eyes? He wasn’t interested in dishing flattering remarks to the men at your side. Oh no. He had other ideas in mind for you.”

  “Like what?”

  “Are you really that naïve?” Recent images danced in his head. He thought of Ellie taking four men together, fucking them like crazy before showering each of them with her undivided attention.

  “We both know I’m not naïve, Allister. What I am is practical. There’s nothing wrong with a man talking to a woman.”

  “You’re right,” he said, cocking his head and studying her succulent lips. Dipping for a kiss, he thrust inside her mouth like he’d soon plunge inside her pussy—with carnal intent, unadulterated longing.

  She pulled away first, breathless. “Don’t make light of this.”

  “I’m not.” He smirked. By the obvious change in her demeanor, he’d already softened her some. She’d never admit as much. “Let’s talk, baby.”

  She pinched his thigh. “I’m dead serious here.”

  “Me too, gorgeous.” His voice was guttural, meaningful. He’d learned through trial and error to jump at chances because sometimes they only came along once. “Come here.” He wasn’t about to let this opportunity slip away.

  Allister pulled her forward and pushed his hand underneath her skirt. Finding her bare and naked, he stuffed his fingers inside her pussy, swirling them around and around. “Want to know why I was upset? This is why. This is probably what the jackass had in mind.”

  He wedged his fingers inside her cunt, deliberately holding his head back so he could watch her expressions change. Her brow furrowed and then relaxed. She opened her mouth to speak but only a whimpered breath fell out. His lips caught hers then and he screwed two digits inside her shallow passage, working tongue and fingers in deliberate time.

  “There you go,” he crooned, straining to hear those little whimpers. They were doggone precious and indicated what he’d known all along.

  For the time being, Ellie was his. Then again, Ellie was always his.

  Allister unhooked his belt. She unzipped his jeans. He released the snap. And she took care of the rest, drawing his cock from his briefs and guiding him straight between her legs.

  Before he entered her, he bunched her hair at her slender neck and stared into those bedroom eyes that made him crazy with lust and a maddening kind of love. “You signed up for frequent flyer miles, honey. Now it’s time to earn those wings and fly.”

  “Don’t be silly right now, Allister,” she grated out, apparently still miffed.

  He liked rough sex. He enjoyed angry fucking. And no one could fuck away a disagreement better than Ellie.

  Without any other warning, he lifted her up, bracketed her legs around his hips, and threw her against the door. He didn’t hurt her of course, but he wanted to make some noise.

  As he drove his cock inside her, he pounded out an unmistakable fucking beat, throttling her with long and quick thrusts as he worked his dick high inside her tight pussy. Her heels dug his back and he hammered inside her, dragging her lower body down and then fucking her so hard her entire form shot straight up.

  The repeated process was driving him insane, but as her fingernails trailed down his arms, he became uncontrollable and horny as hell. “Fuck me, Ellie. Just like that. Ride me.”

  She squeezed his hips and bore down on his cock, throwing her chest forward until he unbuttoned her top and lost himself in those luscious mounds. As he plowed inside her with a faster and quicker rhythm, some asshole on the other side of the door, knocked.

  “Just a minute,” Allister yelled, returning to the art of pleasuring his lady. His mouth traveled up and down her slender neck. “Come, Ellie. Scream my name and come.”

  “Allister,” she whispered, her body melding to his as her pussy clenched around his cock.

  “Tell me what makes you feel good, baby.” He ground his molars and shifted his hips, pummeling her then with a hard as hell screw.

  “You, Allister. Always you.”

  He poured himself into her then with a long-thrusting rhythm. Soon, she was screaming in pleasure and chanting his name.

  * * * *

  Draegan waited until Allister and Ellie returned to their seats. Thankfully, his brother didn’t make another scene. Then again, some might argue he had already caused enough commotion for one trip.

  Every passenger on the plane had turned around at least once while the hard-pounding thumps landed against the door. The moans and pleasure-filled screams were just the icing on the cake.

  Draegan had a little action in mind when he’d booked his flight, too. With their third wheel stuck at home, he now intended to take full advantage of opportunity.

  Tucking his arm around Serena, he raked his fingers through her hair. “Are you excited?”

  Always so sweet and shy in public, Serena was a hellcat when it came to sex. Still, she didn’t necessarily flaunt her sexuality. Draegan might have been locked and loaded but the bullet wasn’t exactly in the chamber yet.

  God, he sounded like Bane more and more.

  Serena smiled up at him. “I am excited. Are you?”

  “Can’t wait,” he crooned, tilting her chin and brushing her lips with his kiss.

  Her tongue entered his mouth and she guided their passion then, seemingly in tune with his every last need, his most tempting desires. She pressed her hand against his thigh, but didn’t slide her fingers to his crotch.

  “Tease,” he complained, eyeing the window and noticing the clouds parting the sky. In a few minutes, they’d make their final descent to Atlanta and he wanted his cock buried inside his woman on the way down.

  “You want me to tease you, Draegan?” Her lust-filled gaze was his undoing but when her fingers finally mashed against his groin, he knew his stamina would never hold up.

  She might as well have given him head then. He went from flaccid to steel in a matter of seconds.

  Thanks to hearing too much noise from Allister’s and Ellie’s savage fuck, Draegan was more than ready for Serena by the time she loosened his fly. In fact, he helped her.

  “Mmm…thank you,” she whispered, lowering her head to his lap.

  The plane wasn’t packed. He was relatively glad of that, but two rows ahead of them, a businessman turned in his seat, shooting Draegan a toothy grin as if he knew what was happening behind him. He nodded at the passenger sharply and should’ve told the envious bastard to keep his focus straight ahead.

  “Pull my hair, Draegan,” she crooned, lowering her mouth on his cock.

  Damn right, he’d pull. He’d grab a handful of those silken blonde locks and guide her. He wanted to feed her his cock, but he was having a difficult time keeping a straight face as a bolt of pure exquisite pleasure shot through his shaft. To make matters worse, whenever anyone up ahead shifted in their
seats, he stilled in his.

  A soothing vibration commenced as she hummed against his size. She quietly sucked, fingering his balls and tracing the lines in his heavy sac. She nuzzled the tip of his penis with her nose whenever she came up for air. The more she teased him, the more he thought of countless possibilities for the traveling day ahead.

  “Oh Draegan.” Her hand disappeared underneath her shirt.

  He sucked in a breath as he imagined where those fingers were playing. “You’re killing me here.”

  She shot him a devilish smile. “Once the seatbelt sign is on again and the attendant takes a seat, I’m fucking you.”

  Draegan’s cock jerked. He grinned at the vixen in his lap, admiring Serena’s prowess as her tongue traveled his length.

  She stroked and massaged him. She licked the tip as if she were already half-addicted to his masculine taste, his manly spice.

  A double-ding resounded and the flight attendant said, “Ladies and gentlemen, the captain has turned on the seatbelt sign. Please remain in your seat for the rest of your flight.”

  Mere seconds later, the pilot gave his spiel about the current weather in Atlanta and the estimated arrival time at the gate. They were then free to enjoy the final moments of their flight.

  Pinching her nipple through her thin top, Draegan fisted her skirt and worked it over her hips. He couldn’t help but snicker as he considered something he hadn’t given much thought before then. Trouble’s women were dressed in skirts, hardly a coincidence all things considered.

  Finding her naked underneath the material, he wasted no time in sliding his hips down and bringing her over him. “I’d love to have those pretty tits in my face about right now.”

  “Shh.” She dared him by lifting her brows but he didn’t take the challenge. His brothers would never forgive him if they were held up in Atlanta for indecent exposure.

  Then again, Allister’s stunt was due to be trumped.

  Instead of a noisy unlawful act, Draegan pulled her hips over his and immediately slipped inside her warm channel, unprotected and fully aware of the possibilities. At her ear, he softly said, “You know I don’t have anything on me.”


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