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Sexual Expression [Contemporary Cowboys 2] (Siren Publishing LoveEdge) Page 7

  Chapter Eight

  “That was the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.” Liam stood next to the truck looking like he’d seen a ghost instead of an angel, and a dark angel at that.

  “Little brother, you’re a long way from Johnson City’s country bars. What are you doing up here tonight?”

  “Could ask you the same, Kurt.”

  “How’d you get in?” Zak asked, fiddling with his phone.

  Kurt felt his nose twitch as he desperately tried to ward off a smile. He had already put two and two together.

  “You used Brandon’s name or mine to get in the door?” Zak asked.

  Liam shifted his feet, stuffed his hands in his polyester pants and said, “I applied for membership a while back.”

  So Kurt was wrong. He sure didn’t see Liam as a member there.

  “Who sponsored you?” Zak asked.

  “I know people, all right?”

  “Brandon sponsored you?” Zak was fishing.

  “Of course he didn’t sponsor him,” Kurt said, thinking Liam was a little sharper than they gave him credit for. “He would’ve known why Liam wanted membership.”

  “Come on, dude. Tell me. Who sponsored you?”

  “Brianna and Jax.”

  “You went to Coco’s sister and asked for sponsorship?” Zak laughed. “Did you tell her why?”

  “She knew why,” Liam said.

  “Well, brother, all I can tell you is if you’re gonna be a player, you gotta get the right uniform before we can let you on the field. Look at you and your poly pants.”

  “And you in your leather and boots?” Liam smirked. “It’s not like we’re in the big city anyway. Pay attention to the dress code in there. Besides, it’s dark. No one will notice.”

  “Let Coco cop a feel and she’ll know. She’s the only one you care about in there anyway.”

  “Man’s got a point,” Kurt said, processing the idea of sharing Coco with Liam. He’d gone to a lot of trouble to infiltrate her inner circle. Joining Paddles and Picnics was a bold play, especially since he went to Brianna and Jax for membership sponsorship. That was a ballsy move considering the Jackson brothers didn’t exactly like the Blaziers.

  “By the way…” Zak shifted his shoulders, fiddled with his damn phone again, and finally braved freeing the question Kurt had been expecting. “What do you know about Coco’s sister?”

  Liam frowned. “I don’t think Coco would want you messing with her sister.”

  “And why not?” Zak asked. “Ask any of my former subs or girlfriends before the lifestyle. I’m a good catch. I’m great to my women.”

  “But he has one major flaw,” Kurt teased. “He has low self-esteem.”

  “I can tell,” Liam said, giving him a look of disapproval. “It’s a bad idea. That’s all.”

  “Tell me why,” Zak pressed.

  “For starters, like the rest of us, you’ve probably watched Coco and Brandon fuck. You were definitely there today when she gave him head and he whipped her bare ass. Don’t you think that would present a few problems between sisters?”


  “Of course you wouldn’t see where it would because you obviously already have your sights on her.”

  “That’s the first smart thing you’ve said all night,” Zak said, patting Liam on the back and slamming the truck door. “All right, fellas. We’ve had some fresh air. The playtime demos and scene developments are probably almost over. It’s open dance night here tonight and I plan to take full advantage and grind the night away.”

  “He already has a partner in mind, remember,” Liam grumbled.

  “Careful, Liam,” Zak teased. “Around these parts if you say partner, folks can spin that a number of ways. I’m just here to dance. Now if that leads to play and I can find a willing play partner then all the better, but yeah, for now I already have my sights on one gal and if I can make her mine for the night, you guys probably won’t see me again until sometime late tomorrow.”

  * * * *

  “How does he do it?” Liam asked, watching Zak work his magic. “I mean, he stands outside and tells us he wants Coco’s sister and comes back in and goes straight for the twins everybody in our family has had at least once.”

  “He’s just toying with Cara and Deana,” Kurt said. “He has no intentions of doing them.”

  “Of course he doesn’t,” Liam said, feeling a little sorry for the twins. Liam understood his brother and how he worked. He was only talking to the twins because of proximity. Coco’s sister was in line at the bar, only a few feet from Zak.

  “Hey you.” Coco’s hands slipped over his eyes and her raspy voice filled his ear. Liam cursed his cock for hearing her first. Whatever hold she had on him, whatever it was that made him a walking hard-on at the mere mention of her, let alone the sound of her voice, he had to know more. He had to find out what it was that made him connect with her even when he felt so disconnected from everything and everyone else.

  Liam reached around his head and pulled her hands free before hauling her around to face him. She smiled that sweet smile he was certain she reserved only for him. “What are you doing here?”

  “Ah you know, hangin’ out.” He glared at Kurt, daring him to say one word. Brother or not, he’d deck him right there.

  “Kurt?” She giggled at the sight of him and that giggle of hers was telling. Even Liam could translate her nervous laughter, the simplest things he noticed about her. “What are you doing here?”

  Coco seemed more shocked to see Kurt which Liam considered a tallied point in his favor. Truth be told, Kurt should’ve been the one she suspected of membership and Liam should’ve been the surprise.

  “So you think I don’t belong here for some reason?” Kurt asked, his gaze working over her body like he already knew her so intimately, so completely.

  And that alone irritated Liam.

  Coco sipped her girly drink, the one with the cute umbrella and four or five sinking cherries. Liam shook off the thought that came with the cherries and said, “So he’s the unexpected and I’m the one who looks like he belongs here?”

  “Not really. I read the club newsletters. I knew you’d applied for membership.” She removed one of the cherries and popped it between her lips, twirling the stem until he was as hard as a damn pistol full of ammunition. “So you were approved.” She bit the plump red fruit off the end and placed the stem on an empty table behind them. “I’m glad.”

  “Thanks,” he said, noticing Zak heading their way.

  He also spotted the reason why Zak had abandoned his post. Drina was only a few feet from them now.

  Coco turned to her and said, “You guys know my sister, right?”

  “Yes,” Liam said. “Hi, Drina.”


  “We’ve met,” Kurt said. “Good to see you, Drina.”

  “Pleasure’s mine,” she said, catching an elbow in the rib from Coco.

  Shit. Liam had to step up his game. Coco clearly had dibs on Kurt. He wanted her to put dibs on him as well.

  Zak appeared in the mix then. He placed a near brotherly-like kiss on Coco’s cheek and said, “Hey, sweetie. How ya doin’? Everything all right?”

  “Yes, Zak. Things are fine.” She narrowed her gaze on Zak then Liam and Kurt. “Are you guys here checking up on me?”

  “Trust me when I tell you, we are not here for Brandon,” Liam said, hoping he didn’t sound too bitter or worse, too obvious.

  Coco took her sister by the wrist to turn her Zak’s way and said, “Zak, this is my sister Drina. I don’t think the two of you have met. Drina, this is Zak, another one of Brandon’s brothers.”

  Drina moistened her bottom lip. Her eyelids were heavy as if she’d practiced and rehearsed a sultry look several thousand times.

  Zak lifted her hand to his lips. “It’s a pleasure, Drina. I saw you dancing earlier.”

  That’s all he said. He didn’t say, “You looked sexy as hell.” He didn’t compliment her for her te
chniques and she sure had them. He just let her know he’d watched her.

  “I hope you enjoyed yourself,” she said saucily as if she already knew he’d certainly found pleasure in her moves, as if she’d already gauged how much he wanted her, desired her in a way few others would.

  Liam believed that much because he’d seen Zak play the field and this was definitely different. There was something explosive going on between Zak and Drina. The combustible chemistry between the two was instantaneous.

  “Well then,” Coco said, apparently aware of the ignited flame. “What do you say we get a table since we’re all here?”

  “Sounds good to me,” Kurt said tightly, steering her ahead of everyone and forcing Liam to follow them.

  Instead of hanging back, Drina pushed ahead. At her sister’s ear, she said a little too loudly, “I believe in love at first sight now!”

  “Easy, Drina. He’s a player.”

  “He can play with me anytime,” she said, all giddy as she slid around the circular leather booth at the recently cleared table.

  The seating arrangement could’ve left Liam feeling like a fifth wheel. Instead, as soon as Drina slid around the booth, he jumped ahead of Coco and claimed his seat beside Drina, making sure he didn’t end up on the outside next to Kurt.

  Thanks to fast action, Coco ended up in the middle, in between Kurt and Liam. Zak made small talk with a man he apparently recognized, inching closer to the other end of the booth so he could nonchalantly take a seat beside Drina once the conversation ended. “Good seeing you, too, man. Tell the wife hello.”

  As predicted, he slipped right in place beside of Drina, draping his arm over the back of the booth as if they were there together.

  Shifting her shoulders, Drina mouthed to Coco, “Oh my God! He is so hot!”

  Zak pretended like he was searching the crowd for a cocktail waitress but the smirk on his face told the grandest of tales. He thought he’d already scored. Perhaps if Liam hadn’t been so in awe of Coco, he would’ve been interested, too.

  He’d seen the way Drina moved, watched the way she’d danced, undulating as if she were inspired only by sexual heat and fully embraced carnal desires. He then remembered Coco and how she’d moved to the music. The memory stirred him. His cock pranced in his slacks as he recalled the way her hands had glided over her breasts and framed her pussy.

  God help him, he’d be lucky if he didn’t come in his pants.

  He had a serious hang-up and until he acted out with the woman he longed to fuck, he had a feeling whenever he was near Coco he’d have the same problem—a hard cock, a wet tip, and heavy balls reminding him that everything about her turned him on. Her statuesque presence, the way she carried herself, her deep raspy voice, and her curves. God yeah, her curves. She was flawless perfection and beauty’s best.

  There were only two reasons he had pursued her with caution. The first was self-preservation. He was afraid if he had her once, the intense longing for her would only increase by the hour, by the minute. He’d read about relationships such as the one he wanted with Coco and he couldn’t help but concern himself with the matters at hand. She turned him on with a look, with a touch. What would happen if they were lovers? Would he be obsessed, impractical?

  The other concern was one that should’ve sent him running in the other direction. She had been friends, close friends with his mother and she’d been “Brandon’s girl” and both of those facts disturbed Liam greatly.

  Brandon was due to slip into Nate’s shoes and Nate had been a cold-blooded man who had made their mother proud in business and their mother had never earned an honest wage. She’d picked up their father’s drug business with great ease and as soon as he was dead and buried, she’d kicked up the business a notch and devoted her life to dealing guns, a dangerous career that ultimately claimed her life and took out three sons with her.

  Pondering Brandon for a second longer, Liam wondered if Brandon realized he was at a crossroads in life. As the oldest son now, Brandon had the authority to make provisions and steer the family business in another direction or he could continue the path Nate and their mother had laid out before them.

  He studied Coco’s profile. She had this quiet, alluring quality and if Brandon and their mother hadn’t befriended her first, maybe Liam wouldn’t have so many reservations about Coco, about the real woman sleeping underneath the finest layer of sensual beauty he’d ever seen.

  But his mother had been her friend. His brother had been her lover, her Dom. Throw in the crook of a father she claimed for a dad and Coco definitely brought her share of baggage to any man’s table.

  Liam should probably find out if his family’s business or even her own father’s wicked ways had somehow destroyed the gorgeous woman beside him. He needed to know who Coco was now. What existed at the core of her heart and soul? Had the darkness overshadowed the goodness? Was she aloof now or was the new attitude he’d noticed some sort of defense mechanism, a way to protect herself?

  Sadly, he wanted her so much he wasn’t sure it mattered to him either way. If his mother had trained her for the business or perhaps Brandon had, Liam would still accept her because at the end of the day, he loved her. God help him, he had loved her since the first day Brandon had brought her home.

  Now, all he had to do was reach out and take her hand. Then, he could hold on tight, maybe even forever. If not for an infinite amount of time, then at least for the night.

  Chapter Nine

  Coco couldn’t decide if it was the number of drinks she’d consumed or the natural attraction she had with some of the Blazier brothers. Whatever it was, she was in a great place at the moment and even though the day’s events were still fresh in her memory, she was having a nice time.

  Liam leaned forward on his right elbow while Kurt faced her from her left. They both gave their undivided attention and oddly enough, she didn’t feel crowded and the conversation wasn’t strained. Then again, she reasoned, why would it be? She knew these men, cared for them.

  Kurt excused himself and went to the restroom and Liam didn’t act like the nervous Liam, the typical Liam, the one who rushed to say everything he could for fear he wouldn’t have time alone with her again. Instead, he remained steadfast in their conversation, talking about art and music, how he liked the club and why he’d joined—of course she didn’t believe him when he said he’d joined because he wanted to meet someone.

  He had met his someone and she’d known it for a while now. She’d seen the restraint in his eyes, the blush in his cheeks, and she had been aware of him all along, watching her with Brandon, lusting for her in a way that was indescribable and restricted thanks to Brandon’s rules. Sometimes she’d felt exceptionally cruel, showing Brandon affection in front of Liam.

  She hadn’t wanted to cause him unnecessary heartache. She hadn’t meant to make him feel second best. At the same time, there were reasons for her reservations, reasons she would eventually explain to him.

  She’d craved the pain and had needed a dominant man in her life, someone she could trust completely to take care of her needs, her darkest desires.

  “Excuse me for a minute,” Liam said, pushing the table away from them so she wouldn’t have to leave her seat to let him out. “I’ll be right back.”

  She watched him walk away, focused on that fine ass of his and wondered for a moment, just let herself indulge in a taboo fantasy, what he might be like in bed. What would it feel like to have Kurt and Liam taking her together, making love to her?

  Aware of her heated cheeks, she watched the couples on the dance floor instead of Zak and Drina. Perhaps she would’ve been able to pay attention if she hadn’t heard Zak say, “Come on over here and take what you want. I dare ya.”

  And Drina’s reply?

  “Maybe one day I’ll take that dare.” She then giggled like a schoolgirl, squeezed by him and went to the dance floor all alone.

  “Good Lord, your sister has me by the balls.” Zak massaged his neck and
his eyes filled with unmistakable lust as he watched Drina move. Their connection was obvious and Coco knew them both well enough to know there wasn’t anything about either of them that was all for show.

  Sure, Drina was playing him like a finely tuned instrument, working him over as she moved to the song, but the connection was there. She couldn’t deny it and apparently Zak couldn’t either.

  Zak halfway turned to Coco, but he couldn’t avert his gaze, he seemed swept away in Drina’s movements, enchanted by her very presence. “How do I get her to—” He moistened his lips and his eyes went heavy. He shifted in his seat. He was unable to talk for watching her!

  Coco couldn’t help but smile to herself. Knowing both of them so very well, she realized in advance a tumultuous relationship awaited them if they ever connected.

  If. She almost laughed aloud as Zak left his seat and walked to the edge of the dance floor as if he were hypnotized, gravitating—as her sister had predicted—Drina’s way.

  Drina playfully crooked her finger back and forth, easing into the crowd as if to lure him away from where they could see them. Coco shook her head at the thought. Surely to God, Drina was smart enough not to fuck him on the first night.

  Zak had enjoyed his share of those types and if Drina liked him, if she wanted to keep him coming back for more, the last thing she needed to do was fuck him there at the club known for fast hookups and raunchy dance floor sex.

  Dragging her eyes away from the gyrating bodies, she returned her focus to the restroom doors where her men had disappeared a few minutes before. She questioned her own motives then. What kind of trouble was she inviting? Had she already crossed too many lines? Had she already made up her mind she wanted Liam and Kurt? And what about Brandon? How could she think about becoming romantically involved or intimate with his brothers without thinking of Brandon, too?