Imprints [Dominant Wolves, Submissive Mates 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 7
He was an Alpha through and through. No one negotiated with Frank, a fact she’d thought might have changed when he’d imprinted upon her.
“Come here,” he said, dragging her body across his lap as he sat on the end of the bed.
“What are you doing?” Jock asked, alarmingly attentive then.
Frank wasn’t smiling. He was angry and fully intended to punish her.
With her bottom high in the air and her breasts mashed against his thighs, he said, “Clasp your hands together and do not whine or I’ll spank you the way you deserve to be spanked after questioning my authority.”
“I didn’t,” she said.
Wallop! Wallop! Wallop!
Tears filled her eyes as the multiple slaps burned her flesh. “Frank! I didn’t!”
“You did,” he assured her.
Pop! Pop! Pop!
He dished another round of spankings. Her behind was on fire as his hand met her skin.
“Stop, Frank,” Jock said, resting his palm on Frank’s shoulder. “She’s had enough.”
“Have you, Carla?” he asked, stroking her bottom, kneading her globes with an intense deep-tissue massage.
“Yes,” she whispered, though she couldn’t understand why she was suddenly more aroused, more driven to do things to provoke a true punishment. Why was she turned on? Why was her pussy dripping with desire, clenching with profound need?
“Now then, woman,” Frank said, pulling her to him and bracketing her legs around his waist. “Tell us about Grant and we’ll give you what you need.”
“I will,” she whispered, thrusting her body forward in an effort to capture the head of his penis.
“Want a little of this?” he asked, pushing the head of his manhood right inside her folds.
“Yes, oh yes.”
“That was only a teaser.” He locked gazes with Jock and pushed her away from him. “Let us know what you and Grant discussed. Then, we’ll take care of you. Afterward, we’ll deal with him.”
Chapter Thirteen
Jock listened and Carla explained what had occurred while he and Frank had slept. He was deeply concerned about Grant and the extreme measures he’d taken in order to test what he couldn’t seem to grasp.
Carla belonged to two Alphas. She had been imprinted upon by two pack masters.
“And that was about the gist of it,” Carla said, bringing her story to a close and jerking Jock away from his quiet concerns for Grant.
“He’s jealous.” Frank grabbed her around the waist and brought her to him. Splaying his legs and forcing her to stand between them, he planted a series of kisses right above her pelvic area.
“I hope you’re right,” Jock muttered.
“What else could it be?” Frank averted his gaze long enough to address Jock. “He can’t be serious about standing against us. He’ll lose.”
“I don’t think he’ll back down without a fight,” Carla said.
“We’ll deal with Grant,” Frank promised her, fisting his cock and looking at her as if he held the greatest of expectations. “Right now, you need to deal with me.”
Carla moistened her lips and sank to her knees. She grabbed hold of Frank’s thighs and dragged him to her. Seconds later, she bounced over his penis, looping her tongue around his size and humming as she sucked him.
Frank collapsed against the mattress. “That’s my sweet woman. I’ve taught you what I like.”
Fluttering her eyelashes, Carla turned her head from side to side as she slowly lowered her mouth over Frank’s length. She stared at Jock, transmitting silent messages to let him know she fully intended to enjoy his cock when she finished Frank.
Jock’s erection lengthened as she pleasured her other mate. Fisting a handful of hair, Frank came forward with a sudden jerk, forcing her head to move faster and faster.
She made an incredible slurping noise as she consumed Frank’s shaft. Jock sat beside him on the bed, unable to tear his gaze away from the lovely woman he could now claim as his own. There was something tremendously satisfying about the way she moved him, the way he felt compelled to love and protect her.
He couldn’t explain the sensations spiraling through his body or the love swelling in his heart. This woman owned him. She held his soul in the palms of her small hands.
As her lips bowed with Frank’s size, he longed for her in an understandable way. He wanted to sink between her thighs and become a part of her. He needed her arching against him, clawing at his shoulders, and riding him.
Frank shifted his weight and came to an erect position. He flattened his hand atop her head and gazed at her with as much love and lust as Jock felt welling inside him.
“That’s it, woman. Suck. Love me with that hot mouth.”
Jock could only imagine what Frank was feeling then. His eyes were heavy. They were drowning in lust as he rose to his feet.
“Tighten those lips, sweetness. Ah yes, baby. Ah yes.” He threw his body weight forward, pumping his hips faster as he gripped a handful of hair and seemingly dragged her with him regardless of whether he was pulling back or pounding forward.
Her mouth remained committed to a cause, stretching with his size as he poured into her with more stamina than Jock himself would’ve been able to maintain. Frank didn’t take her mouth with tender loving care. He didn’t slow down as his release drew near.
Jock stilled as he waited, realizing he’d caught his breath as her pretty eyes had filled with moisture, the tears seeping from her eyes as Frank claimed her mouth as he would any other part of her body. Hard and fast, his deliberate strokes gave new meaning to their commitment.
He didn’t just fuck her, he assaulted her mouth and she seemed to enjoy herself. Licking and sucking, humming and stretching, she tried everything in her power to draw out his release and sip him straight to the finish.
“Um.” A guttural sound filled the room. “Ah yeah.”
Her cheeks swelled with his size as her throat visibly jerked. She swallowed over and over again.
“That’s right, Carla. Ah yes. There you go, darlin’.”
With flushed skin and perfectly beaded nipples, she finished Frank and smacked her lips, pursuing Jock then as if she thought he would want more of the same.
Instead, he had something entirely different in mind.
Chapter Fourteen
Carla eagerly followed Jock’s directions and stacked blankets where he’d asked her to place them. The lust whipping around her was more intense than she could recall in recent memories. Even compared to their loving the night before, the chemistry between the three had become sensational.
Without speaking to her, Jock had mentally shown her what he held in store. The image created was extraordinary. She saw what he would see—her body stretched across the chopping block, her bottom in front of his groin, and her cheeks spreading with his size.
Reaching under her, Jock stood behind her and fingered her center, drawing her intimate juices from front to back. He moistened the small hole between her cheeks, dipping those strong, masculine digits well beyond the puckered point.
He stretched her until she moaned in delight. Her hips shimmied as he worked the firm finger higher, wiggling back and forth until she couldn’t take much more.
Her instincts drove her and she rubbed her bottom against his hard male flesh, reaching under her body and cupping her breast, pulling at her nipple as she looked on and observed Frank. Now on the bed with his arms tucked behind his head, he seemed totally fixated on the act of watching another man bring his mate pleasure.
Jock’s cock pulsed against her bottom and she felt the pucker between her cheeks flex in anticipation. With outstretched arms, she rose to her elbows, throwing her hips back at the same time in an effort to provoke penetration.
Desire rocked through her body as he withdrew his fingers and quickly impaled her with the head of his penis. Giving her one inch at a time, he pushed the weight of his erection inside her.
His pulsing penis sti
mulated her. He drove her to the brink of an orgasm within the first several strokes.
“Don’t come,” Frank told her.
Jock gripped her hips and plunged inside her, working his hard wedge of masculine flesh from side to side as he ground against her. He released an erotic grunt as he slammed his hips forward and slung her body one way or another, working for his release.
“Let me come,” she mouthed, her eyes nearly rolling back in her head as the heat and passion drove her closer and closer to the height of her arousal.
“A few more minutes,” Frank said, smiling as he watched them with an intense burn in his eyes. “That’s beautiful. Fuck, lover. Just fuck him.”
“Harder,” she breathed, bracing for the end, working every muscle in an effort to drive Jock forward, force him to take her with more precise thumps.
Frank shifted his gaze, apparently locking eyes with Jock and perhaps gauging the best time to give her the permission she sought, the consent she longed to gain.
Dragging her hand down the length of her torso, she shoved her arm under her stomach. There, she walked her fingers lower and manipulated the small engorged pearl until she was right on the edge of a tremendous and explosive climax.
“Come!” Jock ordered at the same time Frank called out the same.
Her orgasm advanced with a slow onset, but once her body clenched in pleasure, the satisfaction became endless. Her fingers dipped again, sinking inside her pussy and striking out with the same-timed beats in which Jock took and claimed her ass.
“That’s it. Play with it, baby,” Jock said, a throaty edge to his demand. “That’s my woman. Stroke that tight pussy for me.”
His hands clenched at her sides and he pumped his seed deep inside her ass. He slapped her behind and left a satisfying burn on her flesh. Caressing where his hand had undoubtedly left an imprint, Jock violently jerked. He screamed out her name as he filled her with his semen. Her release coated her fingers and she undulated with another orgasm then braced for one more.
Chapter Fifteen
“There’s a naked man outside my door,” Carla said, joining them at the back of the cabin as they cleaned up after another round of intense lovemaking.
“He’s with me,” Frank said.
“Doesn’t he travel with an extra change of clothes?”
“Normally, he will,” Frank replied, a spark of amusement in his eyes.
“Tell me you aren’t interested in Heck.”
“What’s his name?”
“Heck James.” Frank splashed his face with cool water. “He’s our secret weapon. He has keen senses. He’s the fastest wolf in my pack.”
“And he was also the one who came here with you the night you surprised me in the barn.”
“I was hoping we’d never speak of that incident,” Frank said.
“I never asked you about that night.”
Jock smirked. “Like me, Frank probably has mixed feelings about that incident. I wanted to imprint on numerous occasions. I’ve often wondered what might have happened if I had taken you when I still had the chance.”
“It wouldn’t have mattered,” Frank told him. “For whatever reason, we were fated to share a mate and Carla was destined to receive two imprints.”
“Why is that so unusual?”
“When wolves imprint, they can imprint at any time and generally without warning. They may discover their mates when they’re children and grow up as friends and spend the greatest part of their lives in a nonsexual relationship. Some, like us, might find their mate when they reach their late teens or early twenties, but due to the lifetime commitment or the dangers they may bring upon their mate, avoid imprinting.”
“It isn’t always a conscious decision,” Frank further explained.
“So you didn’t want me?”
“You were mine from the moment I started making special trips out here to see you.”
“Why didn’t you imprint then?”
Frank took a deep breath. “It wasn’t my time—or yours.”
“And you,” she turned around and shook her finger at Jock. “You always knew I was in love with you and yet you didn’t mention shifting or imprinting.”
His lips twitched. “Love, huh?”
She felt her skin heat. She also acknowledged Frank as his gaze bore into her.
“I can’t exactly have two imprints and feel nothing. Can I?”
“But you were in love with me?” He obviously wouldn’t let this die.
“I was fond of you, okay?”
Jock winked. “I’ll take fond.”
“I’ll take a little love, too,” Frank said, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her cheek.
The wind changed and kicked up a few balls of tumbleweed. As they rolled across the prairie, Jock studied them. “I need to see Grant.”
“You need to convince him.” Frank released her and placed a hand on Jock’s shoulder. “Grant can’t survive out here without us. You know it. I know it. Somewhere down deep, he may realize it, too. If he fights us, he will lose more than the battle. He’ll die, Jock.”
“The WolfDen territory is large enough for two packs.”
“I didn’t come to Wyoming for one small territory within this wide-open range. I came here for Wyoming and everything west and southwest of the Laramie River.”
“Our goals weren’t all that different then,” Jock assured him.
“And what are your goals, young woman?” Frank teased.
“To make sure my mates are well loved so they can stake a claim wherever they want to put down permanent roots.”
“I can think of one place I’d like to place a root.”
“Oh no you don’t,” she teased, giving Frank a playful push. “You need to go with Jock.”
“He’s a big boy.”
“Yes, but I’d feel better if you went with him. And if the Alpha female isn’t happy, no one is happy.”
Frank grunted. “And here I worried she’d be like every other Alpha female and abuse her power.”
“Abuse it?” Jock shook his head. “No. She won’t abuse it. She’ll just remind everyone around her that she is the lone Alpha female. And she’ll remind us often.”
Chapter Sixteen
Frank was concerned when they first entered the den. The stench of booze filled the cave and Grant could be heard in the distance, singing some out-of-tune chorus to an unrecognizable song.
“I know you’re out there!” Grant yelled, stopping midverse.
“Grant! It’s Jock and Frank. We came to talk!” Jock motioned for Frank to stay behind him and he was happy to give him the lead since Jock knew his former home better than Frank.
“We ain’t got a thing to say to one another, Jock. You chose your way in life. You don’t have business here.”
“My life was here, Grant. I came to collect my things.”
“I burned ’em,” Grant said, a chuckle following his confession. “We don’t need traitor wares around here.”
Frank studied Jock and wondered then. Were other pack members present? He tilted his head high in the air and sniffed, trying to differentiate between the scent they’d left behind before their trek to the border and a fresher scent, one marked as different due to the meat they would’ve brought back with them.
The cave was dark as they stepped into the heart of the den, keeping their backs against the cold cavern stones. Jock crossed one leg over the other while Frank tiptoed behind him, fighting the need to phase, determined to stay in his human form as they made their way toward Grant.
He and Jock were on opposite sides in their thought process. He viewed Grant as an enemy. Jock still cared for him as a friend.
A bright, orange flickering light up ahead suggested Grant had lit a recent fire. The smoke and fumes began to funnel through the den and Jock waved his hand in front of his face.
Suppressing a cough, Frank covered his mouth and took a deep breath before continuing. He followed Jock at a close distance, but he qu
ickly realized keeping an equivalent pace was a detrimental and quite terrible decision.
A net fell over them as they rounded the last of the rock. They were trapped. They were Grant’s prisoners.
* * * *
“Yes, siree! I caught me two Alphas. Wonder what the packs would think about the two of you now. Hmm?” Grant staggered as he approached them.
Crouched in their human form, Jock glared at the man he’d once thought of as his best friend, practically his brother. “You don’t want to do this.”
Grant scrubbed the side of his face. “Actually I do. I did. I have.”
“You’re making a mistake,” Frank said, dangerously calm.
“Lookie here,” Grant said, circling them. “I guess you’re not these big, bad wolves after all. Are ye?”
“Grant, we came to make peace. We want to explain our positions.”
“That offer fell off the table as soon as this net fell over our heads,” Frank said.
“We can work out a deal,” Jock snapped, wondering why Frank would choose this moment to further provoke Grant.
“What sort of deal do you wanna make? Hmm, Jock?” Grant turned up a flask and took a hearty drink. “Ahh. Ain’t nothing like bug juice to set a man right.”
Frank eyed the container then studied Jock with an intense glare, transmitting messages in an effort to warn him of what he suspected. He believed Grant had full intentions of dousing the rope confining them and setting them afire.
“You’ll remain at my flank in all territorial battles,” Jock assured him. “You’ll have the same position as Heck has for Frank. You’ll still be the pack’s beta.”
“Ah, I see. Two Alphas. Two betas. And one Alpha female.” He took another swig. “Let me ask you somethin’, boys. Do you plan on sharin’ that sweet pussy with me and Heck, or is she reserved for the two wolves sittin’ at the top of the pack?”
“You know the answer to that.” Frank struggled to break free. He clenched his fists around the rope and pulled with all his might.