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Imprints [Dominant Wolves, Submissive Mates 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 5

  “After seeing your loft, I’m certain a man doesn’t get bored in a place like this.”

  She stood and pulled him to his feet. “Not with the right woman anyway.”

  * * * *

  Jock and Carla waited for Frank in the loft. She lit a number of candles and lanterns before spreading out several blankets on a mound of hay.

  “You act like you’ve done this a few times,” he said, watching her graceful moves.

  “I have. Does that bother you?”

  “It did before I claimed you. Not now.”

  “Why not now?” she asked, removing rope from a burlap sack.

  His penis twitched in his breeches as he watched her wind the rope around one wrist and then another. She walked to the far wall where two thick blankets hung loosely from one long board.

  She gave the blankets a sharp tug. Behind the heavy material, four stakes were driven into the side of the barn.

  “What the—”

  “Shh,” she whispered, placing her fingertips over his lips when he approached for a closer inspection.

  “What have you been doing out here with Frank?” A surge of regret washed over him.

  “Frank showed me how to be a woman,” she told him with tremendous pride. “He taught me things no other woman knows.”

  Jock chuckled. “Is that what he said?”

  “It’s true,” she said, the seriousness in her voice suggesting she believed anything Frank had told her.

  Jock wasn’t one to challenge the faith Carla had in another mate. It wasn’t his place to plant a seed of doubt in her head.

  For all he knew, Frank had taught her things other women didn’t know. He couldn’t argue the point when he didn’t possess the facts. Besides, he couldn’t remember women he’d known in the past revealing stakes in a wall while lassoing their bodies.

  “Tie me up, Jock,” she said, interrupting his thoughts.

  “Where?” He tilted his head to the wall. “There?”

  “Yes,” she replied, a hint of seductiveness in her voice.

  He gulped as he watched her stand between the stakes. His eyes watered as she removed the beige dress she’d worn at dinner.

  As her clothing fell to her ankles, Jock lifted his gaze, surprised to find her naked instead of wearing a chemise. “You’re—”

  “Tie me up, Jock,” she said again, saving him from a stupid remark.

  She grinned. “I hear your thoughts now, remember.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” he said, going to her.

  Stretching her arms above her head, she whispered against his lips, “Tie my hands first so I can’t stop you once you start loving me.”

  “Is this the way you like to be loved?” he asked.

  “It’s the way Frank taught me to be loved.”

  “But then you can’t participate. You can’t use your limbs when you want to if I bind you to the stakes.”

  She thinned her lips. Her eyes filled with lust as she spread her legs and thrust her arms higher.

  “Holy sweet pearls,” he said, swiping his lips with his tongue as he eyed her pretty nipples.

  Frank entered the loft. “You think those are sweet, wait until you find that swollen bud between her legs. There’s a treat you’ll never be able to deny.”

  Chapter Eight

  Carla fluttered her eyelashes and tilted her head. Her heart soared as Frank reduced the distance between them. He had a darker presence about him. With the haunted shadows surrounding his eyes, he now seemed to watch her with more love and devotion whereas before only wicked lust had existed in his expression.

  “Imprinting changed you,” she said, aware of the wolf pack’s customs now that she was a mated woman, a human mate to two wolf shifters.

  He wrapped the rope around the stakes. “It’s changed you, too, love.”

  Jock moved aside and studied them curiously. Carla wondered then if he would only observe. He took a step back and knelt to the blankets, only a few feet away from her.

  After Frank secured her wrists and ankles, he tilted her chin to his and smothered her lips with the hottest of kisses. Pressing his fingers through her folds, he said, “You’re so wet for us tonight.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she said, stretching her neck for another kiss.

  “Why do you call him Sir?”

  “It’s a matter of respect,” Frank answered for her. “And she should respect you as well.”

  Jock stretched out on his side. Crossing one leg over the other, he eyed the tall flame of the nearest tapered candle.

  Carla’s breath hitched in her lungs as she read the thoughts of her mates. Jock wanted to know how wax was used for sexual practices. Frank couldn’t wait to show him.

  “This reading minds has begun to grate on my nerves,” Jock said.

  “You’ll get used to it.”

  “But she couldn’t read your thoughts before you imprinted.”

  “No,” Frank replied. “But it doesn’t bother me that she can now. Someone is always in my head. It’s the necessary evil of the job. Try leading a pack of ten and you’ll understand. Someone is always poking around in my thoughts.”

  “Are they now?” Carla asked.

  “Yes,” he replied, cupping her cheek.

  “Why aren’t they in my head? Wouldn’t I feel them there?”

  Frank narrowed his gaze on her breasts, admiring her as she shivered under his careful scrutiny.

  “You don’t know. Do you?” Carla pressed for information.

  Jock and Frank shared a knowing smile.

  “I’ll never shift?” she asked, prying into their thoughts. “That’s it. Isn’t it? I’ll never be like you so they’ll never be able to tell what I’m thinking?”

  “It’s to our advantage,” Frank assured her. “And strengthens our pack.”


  Frank picked up the candle and held it at an angle. Pursuing her then, he lifted his arm a good number of inches from her breasts. “You ask too many questions.”

  “There are too many answers you refuse to give me.”

  “Shh,” he whispered, tilting the candle and watching in awe as the candle wax drifted across her chest.

  “Oh my,” she whined, tossing her head from side to side as the candle wax covered her areolas and nipples.

  “Pretty woman,” Frank crooned, moistening his lips as the wax hardened on her skin.

  “Doesn’t that hurt?” Jock asked. Obvious concern existed in his expression. “Does it burn?”

  “A little,” she replied, pressing her chest forward and enjoying the heated look of appreciation stamped upon his face.

  “To answer your question, Carla,” Frank said, picking up another candle. “You’ll never be part wolf, part woman. You were chosen for two pack masters and will lead as an Alpha female, but within you lies our greatest strength. No other males will penetrate your thoughts or your body. You are our strongest weapon against our enemies because you can plan and plot how we will protect our territory without anyone intruding upon your ideas and views.”

  She shivered as he spoke to her, finding his powerful words quite arousing. Her body trembled as his hand lowered to her stomach. Hot wax tumbled from the wide-mouthed candle, coating her belly like a second skin.

  “How does that feel?” Frank asked. His fingers tweaked her coated nipples, activating an intense massage and sending shards of pleasure up and down her body. Her intimate walls clenched with the moisture pooling around her folds and she longed for a more personal connection.

  “I need you,” she whispered, her body a mix of sensations as the coating hardened over her flesh. “I feel too much desire.”

  “Explain,” Jock said, flipping to his back and rising to his elbows.

  “It’s not always the same.”

  “How does it feel right now?”

  “Like several sets of lips scouring my body, placing kisses all over my skin in rapid succession.” She gasped and gripped the knotted rope before swing
ing her body forward.

  Frank caught her around the waist and tipped the candle once more. This time, he stood closer, rolling his wrist as the wax oozed over the fullness of her breast.

  “And now?”

  “I need more.”

  “You need more?” he asked quietly.

  “Yes, Sir. I want more wax.”

  “Hmm,” Frank said, his cock clearly twitching in his breeches. Cupping her other breast, he nuzzled the fullness before dousing her with the hot wax.

  She trembled violently at the first impact. The wax set against her skin and she longed to drop her arms to her sides and mash the weight of her breasts against her upper muscles in an effort to intensify the affects.

  Apparently perceptive, Jock asked, “How was that different?”

  Her nipples spiked under the paraffin shell. Glancing down, she admired Frank’s handiwork. The wax complimented her average breast size, creating the illusion of a larger and firmer chest area.

  “The closer contact was nice. It felt like toasty fingers brushing over my skin all at the same time and…”

  “And what, Carla?” Frank pressed.

  “Then as the wax seeped into my skin it felt like another series of kisses and right when I need more…wax…”

  “What about the wax?” Frank clipped the words and pinched her nipples, digging his fingernails into the set paraffin. “Tell me.”

  “Now I long for a real kiss, for your tongues and mouths gliding up and down my body.” She paused, searching both their faces before she continued, “I long for your kisses, for your embraces.”

  “I know you do.” Frank rubbed her intimate knoll and dipped two fingers right inside her slick folds. “And you need both of us inside you. Don’t you, lover?”

  She closed her eyes and imagined such a happening. Two men taking her at the same time? Was it even physically possible?

  “You mean together?” she finally asked, realizing her question resounded like a squeal of excitement.

  A husky laugh fell from Frank’s lips. “Would you like that, Carla?”

  Would she? She couldn’t imagine two men entering her, stroking her, stretching and filling her…at the same time!

  Frank clawed the paraffin again. “Do you like pain, Carla?”

  “Only if it leads to pleasure,” she quickly admitted.

  “And any pain you feel with me always leads to pleasure. Doesn’t it, Carla?”

  She quivered as he poured a healthy helping of wax down her stomach. The burning sensation led to a deeper form of arousal, but this time the waxing wasn’t only skin deep. This time, she was mentally stimulated as she watched Jock and saw a true transformation. Frank’s methods lit a spark of sexual curiosity in Jock’s eyes as well.

  * * * *

  A few minutes later, Frank handed Jock a small knife. “Now we scrape it off.”

  “Won’t that hurt?”

  “No,” Frank replied. “Watch me.”

  He took the edge of the blade and peeled the wax away from her skin, careful not to cut her as he loosened the jagged edges. With different patterns and designs, the wax removal was more challenging than it looked.

  To make matters worse, Jock was painfully hard. “I’d much rather be pirooting than stripping wax off this pretty lady.”

  “I’d like that, too, Jock,” she whispered.

  They made eye contact and were lost in a lovers’ trance when Frank took a riding crop to her mound, smacking her vagina with a multitude of strikes as she released some of the most erotic moans Jock had ever heard.

  “You enjoy that?” Jock asked, his cock stretching forward, practically puncturing his breeches.

  “Very much,” she said, visibly tense as she undoubtedly anticipated another round.

  Frank dragged his fingers through her wet channel then placed his hand to his lips. Sucking the digits, he made a show out of sipping her juices from his long, slender fingers.

  “So tart, but sweet,” Frank said, clearly experienced in seducing a woman, particularly Carla, who seemed to anxiously await his next move.

  “Tell me, woman. If you had one wish, right now, what would it be?”

  “I want you and Jock to fuck me.”

  “Where have you heard such language?” Jock asked, readjusting his stretching length by rubbing his hand over his crotch.

  “Frank taught me everything I know. Now, I can’t wait to teach you.”

  Chapter Nine

  The wax was peeled. The leather riding crop had been placed on the blanket. Since Frank hadn’t returned it to the corner with her other playthings, Carla could only assume he planned to use the crop again in the near future.

  Jock stood to her right. Frank lurked a few feet from her left, cradling the small stone he would soon slip inside her bottom.

  Her insides had begun to quiver as her body quaked with tremendous sexual frustration. And to make matters worse, Jock fondled himself as he watched her.

  “Take off your breeches, Sir.”

  Frank inched closer. He stuffed his fingers inside her vagina and twirled them as he reached higher inside her channel.

  Her heavy moans filled the air and she rocked her body to and fro. “Frank.”

  “Miss?” he teased, pushing the weight of his hand against her mound.

  “Ah, Frank,” she whispered. “Tell me I can come.”

  Jock arched a brow. Without missing an opportunity, he asked, “Why would you wait for him to tell you?”

  “I…I want to…come…when it pleases…him.”

  Jock cupped her cheek and looked into her eyes. Lowering his lips to hers, he said, “It pleases me. Come, love. Come for us. Show us how pretty you look when you’re latching onto pleasure.”

  Her body tingled. Her toes nearly curled. Her body milked the fingers plunging inside her and she clenched and closed around the firm digits, wanting to set herself free, feeling trapped between Frank’s expectations and Jock’s permission.

  “Can I, Sir?”

  “You only need permission from one,” Frank told her, bending from the waist and reaching for his crop.

  His fingers never left her as he gave her a tremendous manual fuck. And right when her orgasm took hold, Frank slammed his hand against her mound and slapped her over and over again with that damning riding crop.

  “Easy!” Jock yelled, turning his head sideways and shooting Frank a meaningful glare.

  “She loves it,” Frank assured him, plunging inside her pussy as her body went into violent spasms.

  “Frank!” Her head jerked from side to side as her body responded to his fingers, closing around them, pulling them higher and higher as she stood on her tiptoes and thrust her hips forward.

  “Yes, lover?”

  “Eat my pussy,” she rasped, her breaths coming in short spurts as one orgasm subsided and another rolled forward.

  Frank dropped to his knees. His hot breath stimulated the hidden pearl between her legs as his teeth tantalized the hard point, drawing the bead between his lips and sucking.

  At the same time, his free hand jerked. From front to back he coated her with her warm moisture. Another climax was close, too close, and she squirmed as she fought, determined to resist the need to come without Frank’s permission, without his words guiding her, coaxing her forward.

  Jock watched as if he couldn’t stand the suspense. His eyes widened. His jaw tensed. He locked his top teeth over his lip and released a sudden masculine growl.

  Based on Frank’s expression alone, she knew what Frank held in store. Only he surprised her by kicking up the heat level once more.

  “Come, my love,” he whispered, lapping at her intimate pearl with precision and speed before pressing the hard, smooth stone inside her ass.

  “Oh my God!” she screamed.

  Unable to push away from the wall entirely, she couldn’t have been more grateful when Jock freed her legs. Lifting herself away from the ground, she swung forward again, this time seizing the opportunity
to ride out an outstanding orgasm.

  And to her surprise and infinite pleasure, Frank wiggled the stone inside her ass, raking the texture against her walls as he thrust his tongue inside her pussy. He feasted on her show of satisfaction, lapping at her juices as she writhed and moaned.

  Her climactic moment threw her into a new wave of fulfillment as Frank’s tongue guided her toward complete fulfillment. Jock held her, supporting her as she indulged in one orgasmic experience and immediately longed for another.

  She should’ve been played out, but by the time they freed her wrists, she was anything but a sated woman. She wondered if the imprinting had anything to do with her overactive sex drive. Her need to have relations with both mates at the same time had increased by the minute.

  Was this normal? Should she have these desires? And what sort of laws would they break if they consummated their new relationship all at the same time?

  Surely there were decrees in place to prohibit this sort of lewd conduct.

  As her men undressed and stood before her, she reached a decision then. She didn’t care if she were fined or arrested. She’d spend her time or pay her dues.

  One thing she would not and could not do was ignore the opportunity before her. What woman would?

  Jock stretched out beside her. His hand propelled up and down her stomach before his palm rested between her breasts. Propping his head against his closed fist, he looked down on her with the most interesting expression.

  It was as if his eyes led her into an abyss of perfect understanding. Through him, she saw a brighter future full of adventure and excitement. Lowering his lips to hers, he caressed her mouth with a giving kiss, leaving her to feel as if she’d luxuriated in the most ultimate pampering of her life.

  Stimulated beyond recourse, there was only one way to sate the longing, only one way to ease the internal fire that had begun to rage out of control. She needed them to love her. She needed them to show her she was their woman, their equally shared lover, and their one and only mate.

  She shuddered as Frank knelt beside her. His fingers walked across her breasts, teasing her nipples, playing with the tender areas that had been previously waxed, completely coated in paraffin.