Sexual Affection [Contemporary Cowboys 3] (Siren Publishing LoveEdge) Page 11
“What kind of a loss did we take?”
“A bigger hit than we could really afford, but it was worth it to move them,” Brandon said.
Dallas shrugged. “If you say so. I don’t want to know anything about it anyway. That close call with Drina’s dad was enough to put me on edge.”
“You ain’t lying,” Zak said, leaning over his shoulder. “What are you doing anyway?”
“Deleting numbers and pictures,” Dallas explained. “I don’t need them now.”
“Old gal pals?”
Brandon said, “Dallas never had girlfriends or gal pals. He had fuck buddies.”
“Which reminds me,” Dallas said, hurriedly clicking through his phone. “Mason sent a text. He’s taking a week off to spend it in Bermuda with his cougar.”
Zak and Brandon leaned forward and checked out the picture. Brandon turned beet red. “He’s already there?”
“Apparently so,” Dallas said. “He left last night.”
“You need to talk to him.” Brandon marched to the other end of the barn. “And I don’t mean soon. I mean like yesterday. That woman is using him for his money.”
Dallas pivoted to the left. “Take a look around, Brandon. We don’t have any money anymore. Mason spent it all on cattle and ATVs!”
Brandon threw up his arm. “On second thought, tell the kid to stay in Bermuda. I don’t want to see him for a while.”
Dallas and Zak laughed, but their laughter subsided when Drina stepped out of the last stall at the end of the barn. “Hey, babe. I didn’t know you were here.”
“Me either,” Dallas said, grinning. “Why didn’t you say something?”
Zak noticed her indifference as he walked toward her. “Something wrong?”
She put up her hands in front of her. “Stop right there.”
Dallas had already started walking toward her, too. “What’s the matter?”
“You lied to me.” She shook her finger at Zak. “I asked you pointedly soon after we started seeing one another and you said you weren’t doing anything illegal.”
“And we aren’t.”
“I saw you down there,” she said, swinging her arm at the hillside where they’d crated the last of the guns.
“So?” Zak wasn’t following her. “We weren’t doing anything we shouldn’t.”
“I saw the guns, Zak.”
“Yes, you saw guns. And we still weren’t doing anything illegal.”
“Honey, Brandon and Zak had to get the guns out of here.”
“But they were here!”
“Yes, they were here,” Zak said, willing to admit the fact.
“So it’s true,” she said quietly. “All of you were in the gun business?”
Dallas and Zak swapped a quick glance.
“Don’t answer that. I can see the truth all over your faces.” She hurried to pass them, but Dallas stepped in front of her. “Move, Dallas.”
“No, you hang on there a second. I understand you’re upset. I get that. What I don’t get is why you would take this out on Zak now when this town has been crawling with rumors for decades. You didn’t enter into an association with this family without knowing about the rumors at our backs.”
“He’s right. What’s this really about?” Zak asked, cocking his head to the side. “Sub, answer me.”
Her skin turned pink and her eyes widened. “Don’t you do that.” She shook her finger at him. “Don’t you play Dom-sub with me when I’m here to talk to you about a serious problem.”
“You think I’m playing?” Zak stalked her then.
Dallas grunted. “You got the wrong brother there, sweetheart.”
“I want answers,” she said.
“And I’ll be happy to give them to you, right after you have time to calm down and sit in time out long enough to think about how you approached us with this accusation.”
“Sit in time out?” Her voice was elevated.
To make matters worse, Dallas laughed.
“And you think this is funny?”
“Fucking hilarious,” he said, now not even trying to hide his amusement.
“Come here.” Zak grabbed her hand and pulled her in the tack room. Once there, he pointed at an old Army trunk. “Have a seat right there.”
“And what? Twiddle my thumbs?”
Zak’s lips twitched. Oh how he was tempted to give her more than a mouthful. Instead, he slammed the door and locked it from the outside. “Sit in there and behave. When you’re ready to talk without throwing around accusations, let me know.”
“I will not date a criminal!” she screamed.
“Funny you should mention that because I was thinking the same thing!”
Chapter Thirteen
She’d taken her punishment, cleared the air, and driven straight home. She was still pissed at midnight when Zak had tried to call her but it didn’t help matters. Pissed was one surefire way to spend an otherwise perfect evening all alone.
Drina blamed herself for jumping to conclusions but she also blamed Gemma for planting that seed of doubt in her head. She knew Zak. She felt like she could already read Dallas well enough to believe she knew him as well.
Still, she’d doubted them. And that doubt had led them into a first and second fight, and she couldn’t stand to be at odds with them.
She was about to go upstairs and call it a night when she saw headlights in the driveway. Peering out the window, she halfway expected Gemma to come teetering up the sidewalk, but to her surprise, it was a much better midnight visitor—or two.
By the time they reached the porch, Drina was standing with the door open and her back against it. “Thought you were planning to talk to me tomorrow?”
Zak paraded by her. That male testosterone was pumping about as much as her rage had been when she’d misconstrued the whole gun ordeal earlier that day.
Dallas kissed her on the cheek. “We didn’t want you staying here by yourself.”
“What he means to say is that as long as you belong to us…” Zak glanced at Dallas and then Drina before he continued. “You won’t be sleeping alone.”
“I see,” she said, trying to ward off a smile. “And just where do you propose I sleep when you’re acting like an egotistical ass who can do no wrong?”
“I’ll let that slide, sub,” Zak said. “This once.”
“I don’t care if you let it slide or not. I’m not going to have a man tell me—”
Zak’s lips mashed against hers and he stopped her from saying something she might regret. Right there in the doorway, he tossed his cowboy hat to the side and kissed her like he meant for it to lead somewhere.
That kiss didn’t lead them far.
In a matter of three minutes, maybe four, boots were left on the rug, clothes were in a heap, and Zak had her breasts pressed against the wall as he loved on her in a pampering way, kissing trails up and down her back, across her shoulders and up and down her extended arms, limbs he’d thrust high above her head as he’d showered her with attention.
His hand dipped then and her breath caught in her chest. She stood completely still, willing the goose bumps away as he fingered her moist pussy and dragged his fingers from front to back.
“And here I thought you were only going to fuck me there when our training was complete.”
“That’s right,” he whispered, pushing his finger high inside her pussy and seemingly smiling at her ear as he breathed. “But I can get you ready for Dallas.”
Her heart hammered in uneven beats. Her pulse raced.
They were there to kiss and make up and they were undoubtedly planning to take her together. She turned to face them. Dallas stepped closer and approached from the left. Zak stood at her right.
She placed a hand on each of their shoulders and leaned over to kiss one and then the other. Before she could’ve contemplated the next act, Zak nodded at Dallas and they swept her off her feet. Lifting her high enough to lean down and kiss her, they left a trail of kisses on her belly
and her breasts as they carried her to the nearby living room.
She was lowered to the carpet. Zak pulled her over him, kissing her lips and fondling her breasts. Dallas spread her cheeks and rubbed his cockhead against her hole. She moaned as the sensitive bud pulsed with excitement, willing him to penetrate her, dying to feel him filling her, stroking her.
“Lean forward,” Dallas said, pushing her into Zak’s arms.
“Gladly,” she teased, shaking her hips and peering over her shoulder.
Zak aimed his dick at her pussy and toyed with her for a minute, making her wet, hot, and so eager to fuck she would’ve paid any price to feel both men stroking her in tandem, loving her like only they could love her.
She took her seat on Zak’s thick cock and released a shattering “ah” right as Dallas cupped her right cheek and lifted her bottom up. He dragged his finger down the seam of her ass and wiggled his finger inside her hole, probing her with the digit before he moved in behind her with one quick thrust.
“Mmm, yes. That’s it.”
“Do you feel good, baby?” Dallas asked, pumping his cock inside her.
Before she could respond, a door slammed behind her and Gemma’s voice resounded. “And that right there is why my sisters are so fond of your brothers. Apparently all they know how to do is fuck.”
* * * *
While Dallas and Zak finished playing with Drina, Hales entertained a slightly tipsy Gemma. They sat on the back deck overlooking the pool and he noticed there was definitely something different about her. He didn’t know if her strange demeanor had something to do with catching her sister in a compromising position or if she’d already been in this peculiar mood when she’d called him.
“Want to talk about it?”
“No,” Gemma replied.
Silence divided them once more and Hales took a deep breath, clasped his hands between his splayed legs and finally braved the task of asking the difficult questions. “Why’d you want to see me, Gemma?”
“Maybe I knew Drina would be here with Zak and Dallas. Maybe I wanted you to walk in here and see them like that so you would know what you were missing if you decided to settle for me instead of what you might have enjoyed with them.”
“Is that really the truth or are you grasping for some unreasonable explanation to explain away why you called me instead of one of the McDowells.”
“I was with…” She pressed her lips together and her eyes filled with tears. “I was with them tonight.”
“The McDowells or just Scott?”
“Does it matter?”
“Not to me,” he said frankly. “I can sort of see where you had a hard time dealing with what we walked in and saw if things didn’t go well with you and the McDowells in a similar situation.”
“Are you suggesting I would let men use me up like that?”
Hales couldn’t win here and the last thing he needed to do was provoke Gemma. She clearly needed a friend and he wanted to be her friend. Truth be told, he wanted to be more than her friend but he’d also been warned by his brothers as well as by several of Scott McDowell’s closest friends. Gemma belonged to the McDowells and they weren’t interested in sharing her with a Blazier.
Hales sniffed. “Game on.”
“What?” Gemma lifted a brow.
He touched her face and admired those high delicate cheekbones and her slender nose and thin lips. She looked like a fashion runway model and while she didn’t have those full curves like her sisters, Hales thought she was perfect, gorgeous in fact.
“I was told to stay away from you and I said ‘game on’ and meant it.” He brushed his knuckles across her cheek and lowered his head to hers. Before he took the kiss he wanted, he asked her, “Do you mind if I kiss you, Gemma?”
“You don’t want to kiss me tonight,” she said, pushing away from him and rushing to the door.
Instead of following her, he called out, “You haven’t done anything that a little mouthwash won’t cure. Go rinse out your mouth and come back down here and kiss me.”
Expecting to hear a door slam in the distance, he was quite surprised when she walked up behind him with her tight fists balled at her sides. “That is not what I meant!”
“Then what did you mean?”
“I’ve been drinking all day.”
“So I know you don’t like women who drink.”
“Did I say that?” He was so relieved to know her mouth hadn’t been on that bastard Scott McDowell’s cock he almost jumped up and tried for another kiss. He wouldn’t have asked for permission a second time around.
Before he made his next move, the newlyweds strolled out on the deck all freshly fucked and looking rather happy. Gemma was right. He could’ve been part of that.
They exchanged a knowing glance and apparently, given her vocal expression, she misinterpreted his look. “I knew this was a waste of time!”
“Was it something we said?” Zak asked.
“I’ll go talk to her.”
“Drina, let me,” Hales said, pursuing Gemma without so much as a slowed gait or a miss in his stride.
Seconds later, he caught her going upstairs. “If you take one more step, I swear I’ll bend you over my knee and spank the hell out of you. The days of throwing temper tantrums in a drunken stupor are over for you, Miss Baldini.”
She stilled. “And do you think you’re the first man who’s ever said that to me?”
“Probably not.” He grabbed her and pulled her against him. “But I’m pretty sure I’m gonna be the last.”
Chapter Fourteen
Ten Months Later
“I can’t believe what I’m seeing.” Coco cocked her head to the side and studied the various pieces of furniture. “They expect you to use this stuff?”
“We have used this stuff!” Drina said, grabbing her by the hand and leading her through the fourteen-hundred-square-foot space.
“And you enjoy playing down here?” Brianna wasn’t impressed either but Drina didn’t care. She’d never been happier.
“Did you call Vicky McKay?” Coco took a few deep breaths. “I mean, Vicky is the one who could tell you if this is more or less normal.”
“It is absolutely normal.” Drina turned on the dimmer above the Catherine Wheel and watched as Brianna, Coco, and Gemma backed away as if they’d just been introduced to an electric chair. “I also talked to Kimberly. Our cousin is no stranger to the lifestyle and she even helped me find a good deal on some of these things.”
Coco’s mouth dropped. “And what is that exactly?”
“You’ve never seen a Catherine Wheel?” Gemma rolled her eyes.
“And I suppose you have?”
“I’ve been on one several times thank you very much,” Gemma admitted.
“Really?” Brianna looked dumbfounded. “I wouldn’t have guessed. You and Hales?”
“Use your head,” Coco whispered.
“No, Hales and I don’t play within hard limits.”
“You say that like you’re still seeing the McDowells, and I’m sure if you’ve seen a Catherine Wheel, that’s where you’ve spotted one.” Coco dragged her fingers across the spokes. “It is rather interesting.”
“Oh, and look at this.” Drina skipped across the room and showed them her bona-fide spanking bench. “What do you think?”
“I think Gemma danced around the question.” Coco cocked her head. “Are you still playing with the McDowells?”
“Hales knows all about it,” Gemma said. “We have an agreement.”
“I see.” Coco crossed her arms. “So would it bother you if Hales played with other women?”
“He won’t.” Drina was certain about that. He was in love with Gemma but she’d been stringing him along, trying to decide between the McDowells and Hales.
“I haven’t prevented him from seeing other people,” Gemma pointed out.
“Did you ever think he might be in love with you?” Brianna wasn’t one to beat around th
e bush.
“Then he should’ve been more careful with his heart,” Gemma said.
Dallas cleared his throat and all heads turned to the doorway.
“Speak of the devil.” Brianna walked away from the others.
Gemma and Hales swapped a quick glance. Drina lowered her head and eyes, assumed a presenting position and waited for Zak to tell her to relax before she greeted her men with a saucy kiss. “I’ve been showing the girls around.”
“I can see that,” Zak said, lacing their fingers together. “So what do you think?”
“I think you’ve gone mad, Zak Blazier. That’s what I think.” Coco was never at a loss for words. She and Zak bantered back and forth all the time anyway. She then turned to Dallas. “And I expected more from you.”
Dallas laughed. “How much more can we give her?”
“Guy has a point,” Brianna said.
“Well this gal has one, too. If you show my fellas what you’ve been doing down here, make sure they understand that I’m not impressed.”
“Yes, she is,” Drina said. “And she’s jealous.”
“Coco has no reason to be jealous,” Zak said, winking. “I think she’s well loved like someone else we know.”
“Moi?” Drina teased. “And here I thought you just wanted me because I give good head.”
“Cocky little vixen, aren’t ’cha?” Dallas said, swatting her ass.
“And you love me.”
“I do,” Dallas said, seriousness in his voice.
The room fell quiet and all eyes were on Drina.
“Well?” Coco jerked her head and thumbed her guys. “They’re waiting on you, sister.”
“They know I love them,” Drina said, far too flippantly. When they didn’t respond, she stepped closer to her men. “I love you. Maybe I’ve failed to tell you both, but I do.”
“We love you, too,” Dallas said, cupping the side of her face with his palm.
“What do you think about all this equipment, Gemma?” Hales asked, breaking up the mushy exchanges and wearing a serious expression stamped upon his face.
“I think it’s cool. That’s what I think.”